Update 20th June 2024: This still works fine, despite being deranked by Google. You might need to do it twice, or you may need to also inspect the area that the review is located to see the full text.
When viewing an employer or job on Glassdoor, if you want to read the reviews it will ask you to login to an account. If you register an account, it will ask you to add your salary and review of current employer to view the reviews.
If you do not want to login or register/create an account, you can do the following to get around this:
- Visit the Reviews page of the employer you wish to see reviews for
- Press F12 on your keyboard (or right click -> Inspect Element)
- Go to the Network tab at the top and type hardsell in the top left search box
- With this interface open, refresh the page (which should have the login prompt blocking the screen)
- You should see two items appear in the list – gd-user-hardsell-overlay.bundle.css and .js
- Right click and select Block Request URL for both files
- Refresh the page again and the prompt should disappear, allowing you to see the reviews without needing to login to an account

Additionally, you can add this custom filter to uBlock Origin (which I strongly recommend everybody installs on their browser): ||glassdoor.com^*/gd-hardsell
You can also check BugMeNot to see if there are any public accounts you can use – note that you should avoid any that point to a file that you need to download – you should only use the most recent ones that contain an email and password.
One final suggestion would be to create a throwaway Gmail account that you use for situations like this that require a login, but where you don’t want your public information to link to it. You can also use your current Gmail account with ‘+glassdoor’ after it to prevent spam and so you can then block this later on if needed – for example, tony+glassdoor@gmail.com. Note that this is also useful when reviewing the Glassdoor Salary Checker.